Justine Raymond
From December the 2nd to 5th the VIRO-FLOW consortium met at AiCuris in Wuppertal to participate in a week of workshop and training. On the agenda: project management, Excel training, medicinal chemistry lectures and legal aspects.
To start the week, our team had the chance to challenge themselves during an activity aiming at fostering communication skills and team collaboration.

On the second day, we learnt some very enlightening tips and tricks about excel with the idea of improving our skills in dealing and organizing with extensive amount of data and experimental results.

On the third day, very interesting discussion were triggered around the topic of pharmaceutical research and the drug discovery process with Dr. Michael Thomas Przewosny.
We also hosted the visit of Dr. Thomas Henkel our collaborator from IPHT in Jena who came to present his work and the last results in terms of microfluidics.
Additionally, some time was dedicated to provide the last update on our projects to the whole team and make some plans for the upcoming semester, until the next school…