VIRO-FLOW, ICIQ’s first industrial ITN (H2020 Innovative Training Network), held its kick-off meeting on May 22nd and 23rd at ICIQ. The project, a partnership between ICIQ, ERTFLOW and AiCuris, obtained €750k to train early-stage researchers and advance the integration of continuous flow chemistry with in vitro microfluidic bioassay technologies for the discovery of novel drugs for treatment and cure of HBV (Hepatitis B Virus ) infections.

The kick-off of meeting included representatives from both institutions. Prof. Miquel A. Pericàs, ICIQ Director and Group Leader, as the project’s coordinator; Dr. Helmut Buschmann, Head of Chemistry and Patents in AiCuris, acting scientific manager and supervisor of Viro-Flow and the project’s mentors,  Dr. Esther Alza (ICIQ), Dr. Tomas Goldner (Ai Curis), Dr. Alastair Donald (AiCuris) and Dr. Andreas Urban (AiCuris). Dr. Anna Banet, the project’s manager and the three PhD students that will carry out their doctorate within Viro-Flow participated in the meeting as well.

You can read a short introduction to a mini-interview done to Viro-Flow PhD students Justine, Elena and Tamás here. More info coming soon…

Posted in Meetings.